Our New World Age
- Bill Hansen
- on Sep, 07, 2016
- No Comments.
The climate is changing. Climate change has more than doubled the probability of intense heat waves occurring. The same climate models that predicted today’s scorching temperatures also predicted that extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, and floods would become more common, more intense, and longer lasting. And it has been going on since the early 1990s!
Why aren’t more people concerned? One reason is that the rate of change is still relatively slow in comparison to a human lifetime. But temperatures are rising very fast on geological timescales putting the planet’s eco-structure at risk. If the scientists are right – and so far their predictions have been mostly on target – parts of “mother earth” will become uninhabitable by century’s end, mass migrations will take place, and oppressive heat could cause global economic output to fall by 30% or more. Whether or not we choose to accept it, the transformation of the Earth may be the biggest, most important story of our time.
Mayan and Egyptian astrologers were aware of the Precession of the Equinox, a gradual shifting of the first day of spring (when the Sun is at 00 Aries) westward through the zodiac (ecliptic) by 1-degree every 71-years. The Mayan 2012 end date is based on this movement; their calendar ends in 2012 because this is the beginning of the next New Age according to their calculations. The Precession is caused by the earth wobbling very slowly on its axis and, thus, shifting the position of the pole, equinoxes and solstices one degree westward through the zodiac (ecliptic) in approximately every 71.653-years. It takes an average of 25,794-years for the equinox or solstice points to return to the same celestial point. Ancient astrologers divided this long cycle into twelve Great Ages of 2,150 years each, depicted by the signs of the zodiac. The constellations are not equal in length, however, so disagreement exists as to the beginning of each age.
The Egyptian Sphinx, a half-man and half-lion figure, is probably a representation of the transition from the Age of Virgo to the Age of Leo around 10,500 B.C. During The Age of Leo there was global warming and the melting of the glaciers. The Age of Cancer brought the biblical flood. The Age of Gemini corresponded with the rise of alphabets and writing. The Age of Taurus was during the height of Egyptian culture – the bull god Baal was popular. During the Age of Aries great conquests took place by the Greeks and Romans; iron tools revolutionized civilization. The Age of Pisces started right before Christ and early Christians used the Fish sign to recognize one another. The spring equinox still occurs within the constellation of Pisces, although convincing evidence can be presented that we are already in the Age of Aquarius.
Another way to view this grand cycle is to determine when the solstice or equinox points line up with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Unlike the traditional astrological ages depicted by the Precession of the Equinox through the Zodiacal Signs, this schematic is based on astrophysical evidence. Yearly weather tends to be more stormy and extreme at the equinoxes and solstices, which are four critical turning points that create the seasons. The alignment of the equinox and solstice points with the galactic equator is similar to our yearly seasonal changes but on a much grander and longer scale.
Precession, the movement of the intersection of the solar equator and ecliptic (path of earth and planets around the Sun), can thus be used to measure four World Ages. As the equinox and solstice points shift, they each cross the galactic equator – near the center of the galaxy – in 6,448-year approximate intervals. Ä Each time this happens a new World Age commences. The winter solstice Sun on December 21 was aligned with the galactic equator in 1998. This marks the center or apex point of the current World Age.
The significance of the alignment between the solstice and galactic equator is not merely an astronomical curiosity. A rising number of astrophysicists consider the entire galaxy as a living organism capable of self-communication. The galactic nucleus may be sending information signals throughout the galaxy with the energetic flow of matter and radiation coming from several “hot spots” or discrete emission sources located within 2o of the nucleus. These signals or flows of intense energy may be influencing our solar system in unknown ways. This may account for the severe climate extremes that have been going on since the early 1990s.
Scientists in 2019 released new evidence from the improved Hubble Space Telescope that our galaxy is not inactive. Evidence points to a massive energy flare some 3.5 million years ago that blasted through the Milky Way. Astronomers believe the Seyfert flare was triggered by nuclear activity near Sagittarius A, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. As the flare ripped through space two ionization cones formed that left their mark on the Magellanic Stream – a long trail of gas that partially circles the galaxy. The universe, it seems, thrives with vibrant, interactive energy.
1998 marks the center point of the current New Age. Because the Sun is one-half degree wide, it will take the winter solstice Sun 36 years to process through the one-degree Galactic equator. Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 1997, calculated that the precise alignment of the solstice point with the center of the Sun as viewed from Earth took place in 1998. The rim of the Sun, however, touched the equator in 1980. This started the transition from one World Age to the next because it takes the Sun 36 years to move across the 1o galactic equator. The disk of the Sun will no longer touch the galactic center after 2016. The official transition to the new age will then be complete but not the horrendous manifestations.
The Hopi Indians believe there have been three great world transitions. Each of these preceding worlds concluded with a great catastrophe. The first with earthquakes and the reshaping of continents, the second with the earth covered in ice, and the third with a great flood. The prophecy says that the fourth world will happen in our lifetime!
Ancient Indian sages teach of four world orders called Yugas that each end in a cataclysm. The Aztec and Maya civilizations referred to five world ages, again ending in a natural catastrophe. The ancient Aztec traditions of central Mexico share many of the Mayan beliefs that the universe is composed of great waves of energy that repeat as cycles of time. Each wave is characterized by a different energy that they simply called a “sun.” The Aztec cosmology describes the first “sun” as Nahui-Ocelotl; this was a time when giant creatures lived within the earth – dinosaurs? The geological record does point to a time roughly 65 million years ago when an asteroid collided with the earth resulting in an ice age and the extinction of dinosaurs. The second sun was named Nahui Ehecatl in which humans learned to cultivate plants. A great wind swept across the planet and destroyed much of the growing zone. The third sun was called Nahui Quiahuitl when the people of the earth formed cities and great temples. The destroyer of this sun was a “rain of fire.” Approximately 12,900 years ago a meteor appears to have struck the Earth killing off most large mammals. The rare element iridium is found in ground layers of this age. The impact would have quickly changed the temperature of the planet by blocking the Sun’s rays and within two years an ice age commenced dropping the climate by 180 F.
It is important to realize that each New Age did not wipe out all life. Climatic extremes broke down the old hierarchy and ushered in a new evolutionary era.
THE RISE IN WORLD TEMPERATURE MAY BE DUE TO THE TRANSITION INTO A NEW WORLD AGE. Greenhouse gases are, no doubt, a contributing factor but other hot periods recorded in Antarctic ice core studies going back 440,000 years point to rising and falling earth temperatures. Still, climatologists have dug hundreds of feet down into the ice of Greenland and Antarctica. This ancient ice consists of bubbles of trapped atmospheric gases going back 650,000 years. Although the climate history of the planet shows both warm and cold phases, the level of carbon dioxide (a “greenhouse gas” that warms the planet) is now 27% higher than at any time in the ice core records recovered to date.[1] This fact points to a strong human footprint. During past earth solstice and equinox alignments with the galactic plane very few if any humans inhabited the planet. This transition is the first time that nearly 7 billion people are alive.
As temperatures continue to rise expect the following: An increase in electromagnetism will naturally occur as sunspot cycle-24 reaches a peak in the next few years. This is usually a sign of increased human restlessness resulting in more accidents and hostility. Wars, violence, and riots will flare up more frequently during the World Age transition. Economic instability will also persist in spite of periods of growth. A scarcity of water, food, and extreme weather will create social unrest in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East among other areas. The degradation of our natural resources through pollution, coral bleaching, and habitat destruction will also continue at an accelerated rate. Extreme, brutal weather (deadly heat, droughts, wildfires, and flooding, plus stronger and larger hurricanes, tornadoes, and electrical storms) will continue to batter various regions the world over.
Scientific studies suggest that it is probably too late to stop or reverse the warming. Changes of 5 to 10 degrees over the rest of this century are thought to be inevitable. Coastal areas will be flooded as the seas rise by 3 feet, while drought conditions will affect other regions. Think of this as Nature’s way of forcing us to adjust and rethink our relationship with the earth.
Pollution is still is a problem on land and in waterways. Every square mile of ocean contains 46,000 pieces of plastic trash. But more significant is the way oceans are becoming more acidic. If the slow acidifying effect of increased carbon dioxide continues, oysters, mussels, and the coral reefs may not survive. Snails, barnacles, sea urchins, corals and other marine organisms make their shells and skeletons by combining calcium and carbonate ions in the water. When atmospheric carbon dioxide levels go up, the organisms’ supply of essential carbonate goes down because more hydrogen ions are created that acidify the water (the pH goes down) and this ties up carbonate ions, converting them into bicarbonate ions.
Another example of the ocean’s peril is the Great Barrier Reef off of Australia. It stretches more than 1,400 miles providing shelter and food for a variety of marine life. As a whole, the reef’s size and diversity help stave off massive environmental change. But as a living structure, the reef is vulnerable. Major bleaching occurs when the sea-surface temperature rises by 30 F over normal. This has been going on in cycles throughout time without great harm to the entire reef. But the bleaching that took place in 2001 and again in 2005 and 2017 was much worse than ever before. Some reef experts claim that by 2030 these destructive heat zones will occur every year, especially battering the Great Barrier Reef to death. Rising seas are bad for shallow as well as deeper corals. It is a balancing act that is breaking down seemingly everywhere. More alarming is the 60-year decline in ocean phytoplankton – the microscopic organisms that not only eat greenhouse gases but also feed almost every other living organism in the sea directly or indirectly. If the phytoplankton goes, so does the ocean. Frogs led the way to biodiversity die-offs. Now we are witnessing multi-level species extinction, species creation, and broad environmental harm. But the changing world age is also an exciting time. Notice all the innovative initiatives in alternative energy, medicine, transportation, robotics, recycling, computer and cell phone technology. There is hope that through innovation and scientific/technological advances the human race will solve the vexing problems faced in the 21st Century.
Nature provides a vivid clue in how World Ages commence through its seasonal shifts. The World Age is a macro-transition, just as the seasons are micro-transitions. Each brings a refreshing change after an awkward transition. Four great upheavals usher in each age: the spring fire of Aries; the summer water of Cancer; the Libra winds; and the Capricorn cold. All this is rather complicated of course. The earth does not necessarily have to be ravaged by only water during one World Age, and wind by the next. A large meteor impact causes fire, as do massive volcanic eruptions; but these can also cause a cooling effect by tossing debris up into the atmosphere that partially blocks the heat from the Sun. The point is: Nature has four paths of destruction leading to new growth – analogous to the biblical account of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
There is much conjecture as to exactly what will take place in terms of the cataclysm. Since the transition into the next age takes place as a gradual process, and not a sudden event, we are already witnessing Nature’s rage. Some believe that the magnetic polarity of the planet will reverse. This appears not to be the case. The Earth’s magnetosphere was discovered in 1958. Scientists determined that this magnetic “curtain” protects us from the harsh effects of solar wind radiation. The strength of the magnetic field also keeps the planet’s temperature within a narrow range over very long period of time.
The Earth’s magnetic field varies; and it has reversed 171 times based on ice core sample studies in the last 76 million years. Fourteen of these have occurred in the last 4.5 million years, the last reversal happening approximately 780,000 years ago. The time spans involved with magnetic reversals are not associated with the New Age phenomena discussed here. Magnetic field strengths, however, play a significant role in climate change and biological reactions. When the field lessens, more solar energy reaches the Earth’s surface warming the planet.
The Antarctic ice core samples have provided a very significant piece of information. They show that the overall strength of the Earth’s magnetic intensity must fall to a certain level before a polarity shift can occur. This threshold appears to be a reading below 2 units on the Virtual Axial Dipole Moment (VADM). Current magnetic strength is 7.5 units, well above the threshold that would trigger a pole reversal. Past New Age transitions showed similar low magnetic readings that allowed more solar radiation to penetrate the stratosphere and warm and planet without causing the north magnetic pole to become the south and vice versa.
Ice core samples point to current global warming approaching 10 C. Previous New Ages experienced 20 C warming. This warming is still quite enough to melt much of the polar ice caps and cause rising sea levels. The radiant energy from the Sun is also increasing due to the weakened magnetic field; this adds to the warming effect. The melting of the polar ice will be quick and brief, followed by a period of cooling. I have commented in my book, Earth Changes, how quickly the warming ocean currents in the Atlantic can be interrupted to cause a sudden freezing of Europe and North America – an ice age. This remains a secondary threat to the effects of global warming.
The rapidly changing world climate breaks up existing social order to a degree; it imposes new threats and challenges that motivate people (and all living things) to adapt. Adaptation means that humans quickly learn new skills, employ different means, and invent outstanding machines to get around the rough times. The last New Age transition was around 4400 B.C. This was during the time that irrigation techniques in the Indus Valley were first used. The horse was also being domesticated in Asia. These were colossal inventions (utilizations) that revolutionized forthcoming civilizations. Also around this time (c. 4800-3750 B.C.E.) there emerged the world’s first city-states in Mesopotamia. Near 4000 B.C. the plow was first used in Mesopotamia.
The New Age does not destroy the world. The world is reborn out of the chaos and ruin. Life adapts. As Rome’s wise Seneca said, “Calamity is virtue’s opportunity.” And so we have much to look forward to: new sources of energy, more efficient motors and engines and buildings, robotics and nano technology, artificial intelligence and computer monitoring and controlling devices making living healthier, longer, more productively, and by far easier than ever before. The rapid changes being made in technology extend to policy changes within governments and businesses. Human consciousness is also changing to embrace a new world order.
NEW AGES present grave threats and exciting opportunities
Each World Age ends in a cataclysm. Out of the destruction comes a new form of doing things – a New Age of hope and life renewal. Throughout history the idea runs of a world-disaster through human misconduct, wickedness, or godly disobedience. But, as Jack Lindsay writes in The Origins of Astrology (Barnes & Noble, 1971): “…the scheme of eternal cycles, each controlled and brought to its end by the positions of the stars, each lasting exactly the same length of time and involving an exact repetition of the previous cycle, could only come about after astronomy, with its astrologic interpretations and applications, had reached a high level of achievement.”
Lindsay went on to write, quoting Senaca’s account of the famous Chaldean astrologer Berosos (cir. 280 B.C.) and his view of Earth transitions, “But after the universe’s foundations have been destroyed, there will arise everything afresh ‘in pristine innocence when no teacher of evil survives.’ The cycle repeats itself. ‘Man, ignorant of any crime, will once again be given to the world, born under better auspices.’ But evil revives too and destroys the earthly paradise. ‘Vice needs no teacher, while Virtue is hard to learn.’”
The human body produces a magnetic field that is profoundly influenced by the environmental electrical field. Our nervous systems, our immune systems, and our perceptions are all influenced by magnetic fields. Magnetic fields vary from place to place in a ribbon-like pattern. Early in the 20th century scientists charted these patterns as a contour map of the world. The map shows where the strongest and the weakest magnetic effects are located. Astrological relocation analysis determines specific conditions and potentials for various localities based on an individual’s horoscope. Magnetic fields are the primary reason that one area of the country is better than another for specific endeavors.
Ä The Galactic Nucleus or center is located about 26o of Sagittarius in Zodiacal longitude and 5o south latitude.
[1] Reported in Science magazine.
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