Trump’s 2nd Presidential Run 2023-2024
- Bill Hansen
- on Aug, 10, 2023
- No Comments.
Whatever side of the political spectrum you favor
One resounding question pertains to both.
As an American, do you believe in the Constitution?
Believe, in the sense, that you follow the principles laid forth in this document of governance.
If so, then the rule of law as enshrined in the American way should have it’s say in the guilt or innocence of Donald Trump.
And in guilt, can there be anything but faulty leadership?
At the moment of Trump’s birth, the star Vega (charismatic and magical) set as the great star Regulus graced the Ascendant – Trump has a magical effect on people and is most successful if revenge is avoided. He hasn’t heeded the last part very well but he has put a spell on the vast majority of the Republican Party and upwards of 40% of voters. His biggest hurdles, aside from the election itself, are the numerous lawsuits against him. His first indictment on June 13, 2022 falls seven days after transiting Mars crossed his Pluto. Pluto reveals and destroys. Does this mean Trump will be forced out of the presidential race? I doubt it. Pluto also transforms. So he might fall from on high and lose a great deal of money, property, and business licenses only to be resurrected politically in the eyes of his followers.
Pluto is in the 12th house (a strong Gauquelin sector) in Trump’s horoscope. It is unaspected except by sextile with Neptune which is a generation indicator so has little bearing on his personal life. Unaspected planets denote great ability that goes wayward at times. Rising, it denotes self-sabotage and subsequent renewal. His life is a series of failures and triumphant reversals. What does him in is somehow converted back into strength. His other plutonian abilities are well-known: coercion, undermining opponents, lying and twisting truth to control the masses. And Pluto has served him well; he won the Republican primary in 2015 at the age of 69 – a Pluto year for him in my Diurnal Planet for a Year direction. His 78th year is also a Pluto year but not in a Jupiter 9-year phase like before but in a Neptune one. This time he won’t win the election with legitimate votes, he’ll steal it at the state level if he can.
Trump is a fighter. Mars rises. The Mars trine with the Moon indicates an emotional bond of strength with his family and ardent followers (the Moon represents the people or masses). But a sizable group of moderate Republicans have already bailed from the Trump mantra. A guilty verdict may cost him even more votes but his hard core constituents that see him as the only chance of redeeming the political and cultural conservatism of last century will stand by no matter what. What then are his chances of winning the White House a second time?
His transits through the election season are compelling. Let’s start with the weekly transit of Mars to his Pluto 6/6/23. This transit sets off a much stronger and longer monthly Jupiter to Pluto that peaks 7/5. In addition, Mars is conjunct his Mars on the national birthday and then moves over his Ascendant on the 10th. What a battle June and July will bring with no knockout punch. These are transits of strength and determination to win no matter the casualties.
Late October into November is the next critical period. Mars again aspects Pluto (10/26) and sets off the monthly Jupiter retrograde with Pluto 11/6. This occurs during the New York fraud trial. This intense and potentially weakening transit is followed by Mars on his Lower Culmination of home, assets, and security (11/16) and another weekly Mars (11/19). He’ll feel financially threatened and be mad as hell at home vowing to fight his enemies.
Turning into 2024 legal troubles will mount when new disclosures of inappropriate behavior are presented; Trump may also sabotage himself again when a monthly and a weekly transit to his Pluto peak together in late February. March is bitter near 18 and 22 as transiting Mars aspects his Mars and crosses the Descendant indicating anger and aggression while being confronted by others. The lunar eclipse in March denotes deception and avoidance on Trump’s part. The spin, of course, is that the document indictment is politically motivated. Millions of people believe him when he keeps repeating that the election was stolen (he actually tried to steal it but failed); that he has done nothing wrong, and it’s all a witch hunt. But why keep and refuse to release the top secret documents in the first place? One opinion is he could sell them. But I rather think the motive is more childish and selfish. He wants mementos with bragging rights. Some of the charges levied against him are very serious. If convicted of only making false statements he can avoid jail time but retention of national defense information evokes the Espionage Act, and obstruction of justice and conspiracy can also land him in jail. A prison sentence, however, may not prevent him from continuing to run for president. The Constitution does not forbid a felon from seeking office from behind bars. Before all that, his defense team will use delay tactics in hopes that the election will come first – and a self-pardon later. Trump’s 2024 will be historic, unprecedented, and utterly wild. So what of the election?
With a majority of the Republican Party still backing him and the political divide growing every wider, with 39 states controlled by a single party in all three branches of government (22 Republican and 17 Democrat) we face a greater cultural civil war and constitutional crisis in 2024 than ever before. The staunch Republicans still behind Trump are the key to all of this. If enough of them lose all respect for Trump and defect, he will lose the primary. It won’t happen in April or early May 2024 because Jupiter crosses his Midheaven, a cosmic sign of power and approval. But then it turns dicey and uncertain. Monthly transits aspect his Mars (5/12) and Uranus (5/16), the later triggering Uranus over his Midheaven (6/3)! These transits occur during the start of the Georgia election interference case involving racketeering, conspiracy, and fraud allegations. This trial can cement his downfall for how can the nation elect a convicted conspirator without revolution?
The three transits in May-June have the power to unseat Trump unless he pulls an unexpected maneuver and dislodges himself from harm. Uranus on the Midheaven happens once-in-a-lifetime. This transit has wrecked many a career and catapulted others to extraordinary success. Trump is likely to lose this time. His skirting of the law and attempt to overturn the 2020 election will devastate him in court. But legal verdicts may still fail to dissuade his followers giving him a chance of winning through an unusual election, including the help of state election officials willing to do his bidding.
One third of Republicans staunchly follow Trump. They simply don’t care or don’t believe that the illegalities levied against him are noteworthy. Against the backdrop of rising world temperatures follows the rise of authoritarianism and radicalized thinking. Individuals adhering to the perception that the system is broken, too polarized to compromise, demonize their opponents. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party did this in the 1930s leading to widespread genocide and World War II. A similar frenzy of extremism exists today. Word is out among radicals that breaking with some conventional rules of conduct may be necessary to save our democracy. America is teetering on the edge of autocracy!
The United States will be in a Moon year from July 2024 to July 2025 based on my Diurnal Planet for a Year direction. The election is therefore about the people, the temperament of the masses, and the shifting tides of emotional reaction. The election is also about women, abortion, and food (inflation). Female voters may very well determine the outcome. Trump would do well to have a female running mate. Nikki Halley could become President. And what becomes of us if Biden wins and subsequently succumbs to infirmity or worse during his second term?
Trump will adapt to threats against him in late September through October. Jupiter transits his Moon twice during this period as retrograde Uranus aspects his Mars. He will use the divisive issue of abortion to his advantage while enduring heated legal and political attacks. A misstep at this time will be very costly to him in terms of women voters. He would do well to tone down his vehement and abusive rhetoric. Then the spectacular November election during the transit of Jupiter over his Uranus while transiting Uranus, retrograde, goes over his Midheaven a second time 12/10 – a double Uranus! This equates to plenty of surprises and unusual outcomes – a revolutionary turn of events. A second Trump presidency would be turbulent, immensely changeful to our model of government and way of life. It would, at least temporarily, return the nation to conservative values, a secure border, less government regulation and taxation, more choice in education, freedom of religion and other conservative platforms. Such policies would be applauded by most Republicans but more sweeping and extraordinary policies would follow: such as, installing loyalists at the Justice Department and FBI to go after political adversaries; replacing thousands of federal workers essentially re-engineering the bureaucracy; upsetting the world balance of power by rescinding treaties, reducing U.S. involvement in NATO, and pressuring Ukraine to end the war by ceding territory to Russia. Dissent and widespread protests would create such havoc in large Democratic cities that the Insurrection Act could even be invoked.
Trump as President is a perfect fit for the calamitous times ahead. The series of Uranus transits to his horoscope mirrors the Uranus return in the U.S. horoscope. Transiting Uranus will return to its 1776 position three times: July 26, 2027, November 5, 2027, and May 11, 2028. The Uranus return occurs during periods of intense social and political opposition, lawlessness, and a general breakdown of order. During such times civil liberties are often suspended, martial law and drastic measures are taken by the government to contain or destroy dissenters and potential threats. The first U.S. Uranus return coincided with the Civil War (1860-61) and the second during World War II (1944) when Nazi sympathizers infiltrated Congress and organizations like the American German Bund recruited followers; and detention camps were set up to contain Japanese-Americans. Other nations have experienced similar scenarios during their Uranus return, notably Russia. Prior to the Revolution of 1917, Russia ideologically divided into red and white regions, similar to the ideological divided between American red and blue states. A Trump presidency would insure that a revolution takes place not only in the halls of Congress but homes of Americans as people pick sides and refuse to be governed by the other.
There is one more piece of cosmic confirmation for the coming fury – the Saros. Eclipses reoccur in the same degree every 18 years. The shadow of the eclipse in this period of time moves westward 120-degrees so an eclipse in each Saros cycle is visible from the same location after 54 years. The path of the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse passes through America. Peel back 54 years from 2024 and the second year of the War Between the States was raging. A mere 18 years prior to 2024 and 2025 is 1970-71. In 1970 there was widespread political instability, a counter-culture revolution, violence, inflation, and economic uncertainty. It wasn’t much better in 1971 when President Richard Nixon saw fit to end the United States gold standard causing inflation to soar and sending tremors throughout the European currency markets; he also imposed price controls on the nation, out of necessity, to quell the rapid rise in prices. The nation was shocked. It became known as “the Nixon shock”.
The path of the eclipse is visible in the above diagram. It passes through Mexico and Texas indicating that illegal immigration will play heavily in the election season.
The incredible series of hard angle transits to Trump’s natal chart can do him in any number of ways. The presidential contenders on the Republican side are no match for Trump based on the polls. The four criminal indictments against him are another matter. A guilty verdict might dissuade the 41% of his base desiring a different candidate to abandon him. The timing of the court cases, however, favors Trump in that the primaries will be over before the most significant trials end (March 25, 2024 federal charges in D.C. for attempting to overturn the 2020 election and the August 5 Georgia election corruption charge). The business fraud case in New York will hurt him financially while helping him politically. The outcome of the document case – a guilty verdict – is also potentially damaging to his election bid but if Trump wins the White House before any federal trial ends, he can exonerate himself.
It’s hard to see how anyone could persevere under such transits and accusations. But Trump thrives on them. He was born with a Sun/Uranus conjunction after all. 2024 therefore stands as the apex of his life – a make or break moment – when the whirlwind he brings tears this country or himself apart.
The people must be the answer, women in particular; and the instincts of a nation born of rebellion that cherishes freedom, righteousness, and the rule of law.
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