- Bill Hansen
- on Sep, 11, 2016
- No Comments.
Pandemics follow a natural cycle based on the Sun. Pandemics increase and decrease in severity according to specific natural rhythms.
A disease that spreads over a large portion of a continent or the world is called a pandemic. These killer bugs have plagued mankind many times over the centuries. The “Black Death” of the 14th century killed nearly seventy million people, mostly in Europe. The “Plague of Justinian” eliminated nearly forty million lives worldwide in the 6th century. The “Antonine Darkness” of the 2nd century was fatal to five million citizens of the Roman Empire. Asia, especially China and India, have lost countless millions due to disease over the course of thousands of years. An estimated two to three million natives of the Americas died of foreign diseases after European explorers and conquerors reached their shores. More recently AIDS has taken the lives of twenty-five million since 1981. Another epic pandemic started in Wuhan, China, in November 2019 and rapidly spread to Europe and then on 1/21/2020 the first case of the Covid-19 or coronavirus was reported in the United States.
Concerns arose a few years ago over the rapid spread of the avian bird flu. Migrating wild birds were literally spreading the H5N1 virus throughout the world. Swains and chickens are most susceptible to the virulent flu strain. Human cases are uncommon but the death rate for those infected is high – approximately 50%. Fears are that the virus could mutate into an easily transmittable human-to-human disease, sparking the next worldwide pandemic. The question is not If but When might this occur.
This is exactly what occurred in an exotic animal market in Wuhan, China sparking a 2020 worldwide pandemic.
A Russian historian and later professor of medicine, A.L. Tchijewsky, spent his life collecting, recording, and comparing wars, revolutions, migrations, and other momentous events in history from 500 B.C. to 1900 A.D. Tchijewsky was most interested in any relation between historical events and sunspot activity. One of his most celebrated discoveries concerned the ebb and tide of worldwide epidemics.
Tchijewsky found that epidemics like diphtheria, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, polio, and typhus run in cycles of 11 years. 72% of the time epidemics thrive during peak sunspot activity, and only 28% of great plagues have flourished during solar minimums.
The bird flu (H5N1) that emerged in Hong Kong in 1997 and resurfaced in 2003 (SARS) were both near the 2000 sunspot peak. Other deadly virus mutations have also occurred during sunspot peaks: 1947, 1957, 1968, and the 1918 pandemic that killed 80 to 100 million people (estimates vary). The pandemics of 1957 and 1968, although small in comparison to the 1918-1919 pandemic, were believed to be the result of bird and human flu strains combining. All it takes is the avian flu in chickens, for instance, to infect pigs’ sick with the human flu; the resulting hybrid virus would be a flu that humans could easily catch.
We again needed to be on guard as the sunspot cycle peaked in 2014. The world was on the verge of another killer pandemic when in February 2013 a new bird flu strain (H7N9) emerged in China that originally infected 11 people 4 of whom died. H5N1 is still the deadliest strain killing 60% of those infected. Fortunately, this strain was contained and no pandemic took place.
Sunspots reached a low in 2019 and this time the world was not so lucky. A new respiratory illness emerged in the Wuhan area of China. It is a coronavirus, like SARS, that originated in animals but is now transmitted from person to person. The coronavirus (Covid-19) rapidly spread from China to Europe to the United States and beyond in 2020 causing sickness, death, fear, panic buying, shortages of critical supplies, and near economic collapse in country after country.
Based on the horoscope cast for the first diagnosed case of Covid-19 in the United States a surge of cases is predicted near March 21 [New York, New York City, and New Orleans became epicenters]. A ramping up of the contagion is likely near April 1 and especially a peak in cases near the 10th. April into early May is likely to be the peak in numbers of cases and deaths. A balancing out with better times is expected within a week of May 27 as transiting Mars crosses Venus in the coronavirus horoscope.
Sensitive positions in the virus horoscope are reignited during the summer months as the slow moving transits go retrograde. If retrograde works as it does in individual lives we may expect the virus to go into remission during the hot summer months. I do not believe the coronavirus will die out at this time but rather be subdued. A resurgence of the disease is likely in November and December. In January 2021, however, there appears to be a breakthrough – a vaccine perhaps – and a resumption of normal commerce.
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