Picking Presidents
- Bill Hansen
- on Sep, 23, 2016
- 1 Comment.
There is a 12-year cycle present in U.S. presidential elections that relates to the twelve-year orbit of Jupiter. There is another, longer cycle of 72-years that corresponds to four repetitions of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle. The 12-year cycle marks important third party elections; whereas the 72-year cycle signifies great historical turning point elections.
The largest percentage of votes ever received by a third-party candidate running for president was 27%. Theodore Roosevelt’s Progressive Party did this in 1912. A third of all votes were captured that year between Roosevelt and Socialist Party candidate Eugene Debs. Twelve years later another third party rise took place.Robert LaFollette (Progressive) received 16% of votes in 1924. Norman Thomas (Socialist) and William Lemke (Union) took in 2.4% of the total popular vote, losing mightily to F.D. Roosevelt (60%). Twelve years later in 1948 Strom Thurmond (States Rights Democrat) and Henry Wallace (Progressive) took 5% of the popular vote. The next major third party candidate doesn’t appear until 1968 (20 years later) when George Wallace (American Independent) received more than 13%. But then 12 years later, in 1980, John Anderson (Independent) pulled in 7% and Ed Clark (Libertarian) received 1%. Rose Perot (Independent) received 19% of the popular presidential vote in 1992, the highest percentage since 1912! Another third party candidate may be very near due to the divisiveness during Barack Obama presidency. The Libertarian Party under the lead of Doctor Ron Paul from Texas, and the sudden rise of the grassroots Tea Party movement are provocative indicators of a significant third party movement.
The 2004 election was very interesting because the 72-year cycle marks epic elections.The elections of 1788 (George Washington), 1860 (Abraham Lincoln), and 1932 (Franklin Roosevelt) were crucial in American history. If the 72-year cycle holds, 2004 may be another pivotal election. The leadership style and personalities of President George W. Bush (Republican) and rival John Kerry (Democrat) are not great in terms of comparison with past presidents. This election, nevertheless, was significant for what was to come. A mere four years after George W. Bush won a second term an unprecedented election took place that promulgated a young, little known, and junior congressman to the presidency of the United States. Barack Obama became the first African American President. His first two years in office were pivotal, historic, and colossal in nature. He promised change, delivering an infusion of cash into the system to save the financial sector and automotive industry from collapse and preventing the economy from sliding into another great depression. But the mammoth debt, government regulation, and uncertainty over the Affordable Healthcare Act that effectively restructured one-third of the economy resulted in a sizeable Republican win in the House of Representatives in 2010. This has resulted in a very divisive, do-nothing Congress that threatens to bring the nation to a total debt collapse like that of several European countries. The 72-year cycle was off by one term but has, once again, signaled a major presidential election.
2016 is a pivotal, unusual, and highly unpopular presidential election. The rise of a relatively significant third party candidate (Gary Johnson, Libertarian) is likely this election too (2004 + 12 = 2016).
We will illustrate a method of picking presidents based on the last election before analyzing the 2016 contest and the personalities of the two contestants. There are five factors that determine with a high degree of accuracy the winner in presidential elections. The first is based on Raymond Wheeler’s weather research. During dry years, parties do not change as frequently as they do during wet years. Dry years correspond to public lethargy, indifference, and fear of change. Parties change twice as often in wet years versus dry years. The national average precipitation was below average before the 2012 election. The dry year favored the incumbent President Obama.
The second factor governing presidential elections is interest rates. If long-term interest rates rise higher in the year prior to the election, the incumbent party loses. Interest rates have remained at historic lows favoring Barack Obama.
The third factor is the stock market (also factoring in the unemployment rate). No incumbent has kept the White House during a recession. But, if the market is higher on the Monday before the election than it was at the close of the previous year, the incumbent tends to win. The stock market has experienced a rocky road since Obama took office. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 2011 at 12,257. The market was at 13,579 on September 21. This favored Obama so long as the market continued to improve. The unemployment rate was still near 8% and the economy was weak. Taken together, however, the financial indicators favored Obama.
The fourth factor is the comparative strength of the candidates during the primaries. Obama held the clear lead here.
The fifth factor is the respective planetary cycles in the candidates’ astrological charts. The charts reveal personality traits and leadership abilities along with potential for being admired by the public. A thorough analysis of the horoscopes of presidential hopefuls often reveals the winner.
Both candidates have strong leadership capabilities. Romney takes the lead in having more statistically significant personality traits of an above average president than does Obama. Transiting cycles in both candidates’ natal charts indicate a close finish, October being the telltale month. Romney has difficult cycles and an uphill fight this month, while Obama has two monthly cycles of popularity and good fortune. Cycles, although difficult to interpret in terms of winner and loser, favor Obama in my opinion.
National average precipitation by the end of August 2016 was 1.32″ above average. 2016 has been a wet year favoring a change in party to Trump.
Interest rates have declined and the unemployment rate is slightly better (4.9) than a year ago (5.1) favoring Clinton.
It is early to tell about the stock market since a severe fall drop in prices could derail Democrat Clinton. Unless a major sell off takes place before November Clinton is favored to win.
The strong showing by Trump in the primary race favors him to win.
Hillary Clinton is the stronger candidate based on major leadership factors alone. Her cycles at the time of the election however indicate shock, surprise, and resignation. Donald Trump has favorable cycles at the time of the election indicating sudden success and triumph.
Trump has been carried forward through the election process by disenfranchised “blue collar” workers. This voting block will continue to support him while undecided voters will seal his fate, and the fate of Hillary Clinton. Trump is the favorite in this election due to the widespread disapproval of “career” politicians such as Clinton. Trump has, however, done much to sabotage his campaign with women, minorities, and the Republican higher echelon.
It is difficult to determine the winner from astrological cycles alone. Based on the factors presented thus far the election appears very much a tossup with a slight edge going to Trump. The stock market in the end may be the deciding factor.
Hillary Clinton projects a serious, tough, stern and somewhat awkward side publically (Mercury/Saturn square). She is detail oriented and a careful thinker and speaker capable of reflection. Her downside is a proneness to frustration, negative thinking, and possibly depression. Her personal side shows a love of children, family, and people in general (Moon/Mercury trine). She is responsive, caring, and understanding on a personal, friendship level while maintaining a detached, observant, and stoic public persona.
Hillary is an apt administrator of policy and a conniving manipulator of the law (Mars/Pluto conjunct Saturn square Venus/Mercury). She is driven to institute a liberal public policy crafted over the years through deliberate planning. Her progressive image of socialism (Mercury novile Neptune and Neptune midpoint Jupiter/Saturn) is rooted in a profound ability to institute new laws and reinterpret existing ones to further her utopian vision of the future. She is a formidable politician relentless, even obsessed, in achieving her career goals.
A troubling side to her personality is the dominate Mars/Pluto/Saturn conjunction in square to Venus and Mercury. This implies a relentless drive for power and a desire to exert her principles and doctrine across America, and perhaps even the world. She is ruthless (Pluto), forceful, and hard working (Mars) in carrying out her well-crafted plans. Persuasiveness and consensus of opinion (Mercury and Venus) take a backseat to underhanded manipulations (Mars/Pluto) of the legal system to further her aims and objectives.
The potentially dangerous Mars/Pluto conjunction is fortunately restrained by reason, caution, and the lessons of experience (Saturn), if not by the law itself. She tends to be prudent and careful in her use of force. She would be wise to also discipline her anger and frustration.
Another side to her friendly, warm, social and talkative personal side (Moon trine Mercury/Venus) is a stormy home life (Moon square Uranus). She is emotionally excitable and prone to sudden mood changes. Her public actions can therefore be radical, cold and calculating. She can be vicious with her enemies and rewarding toward her closest allies.
Mars rising in Trump’s chart is his dominant planet. He is competitive and hard working in building his world. He enjoys work, effort, and the act of building or constructing. His fame and riches are connected with his father (Sun) and his own efforts (Mars) as indicated by the grand lunar eclipse cycle (Mars sextile Sun/Uranus and trine Moon; Sun/Uranus opposition Moon). Another testimony to Donald’s quick riches is the addition of Jupiter in the grand aspect (Jupiter sextile Moon and trine Sun/Uranus). These features of his horoscope are strong and dynamic, reflecting his will to carry out his personal interests.
Mars rising speaks of Donald’s self absorption, strong personal drive, and aggressiveness. He is fiercely independent (Sun/Uranus) and defies being controlled or dominated by anyone. He is a change maker – wild, impulsive, unpredictable. His family (Moon) provides a bedrock of personal support for him (Moon in lower quadrant) and he proudly sees himself as protector them.
Although appearing wildly untamed Donald has a love of law, order, and efficiency (Venus/Saturn conjunction). He can be evasive in policy, more private and intimate in love matters, with a strong sense of personal discipline and self denial (Venus/Saturn).
Perhaps the most troubling side of his horoscope, apart from his brash self aggrandizement, is the Mercury square Neptune aspect. This points to misunderstanding, confused or unclear thoughts, and unrealistic ideas. Mercury is elevated over Neptune so his powers of reason can prevail over fanciful thinking and sleazy statements. However, his vague language, slurs, and vile tone (Neptune) leave many in doubt as to his true motives. The square suggests that his thinking is not clear or well-thought out, more undercut by intuition than logic. And yet he should be able to use his inspiration to infuse his dream and rally the masses. He may value truth and principles (Venus/Saturn) but his communication is muddled and confusing (Mercury square Neptune). Quick decisions and spontaneous remarks may be entertaining to others but they spell trouble for Donald.
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Thank you for being one of the few astrologers to not show personal bias in your interpretation. On another note, Vedic astrology showed Trump moving into a Jupiter Dasha (politics) near election day, which for me, showed he would be the winner. Most Vedic astrologers also predicted a Trump win… both systems of astrology work very well.