2020 Triple Conjunction Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto
- Bill Hansen
- on Dec, 22, 2019
- No Comments.
A colossal cosmic event is fast approaching that has the world astrological community abuzz with the possible consequences. Three planets will join in conjunction, not at the same time but in rapid succession in 2020. This particular alignment has occurred before but it is very rare.
Saturn will join Pluto first on January 12, 2020. This conjunction takes place every 33.42-years and is followed by Jupiter jointing Pluto in three phases April 4, 2020, June 30, and November 21 making this a most unusual three planet close alignment. To top it off, Jupiter and Saturn form their historic 19.77-year conjunction December 21, 2020! If that isn’t spectacular enough, all three join their south nodes moving from north of the ecliptic to south in their respective orbits.
A very intense “set-off effect” will occur in mid to late March 2020 when Mars joins Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in conjunction. The active and violent Mars will stimulate the features represented by the triple conjunction. Confusion, disinformation, and indecision will follow around April 3 when Mercury joins Neptune. Another sign of violent, sudden and disruptive events occurs near April 7 as Mars squares Uranus. Upheaval and unsettling news is certainly indicated by this unusual array of planets.
Conjunctions represent beginnings. When two planets join together (called a synodic cycle) they establish distinct blueprints for humanity to follow until the next synodic conjunction. This means that what the Saturn/Pluto cycle represents in 2020 will unfold in stages for a little over thirty-three years.
There are several themes associated with each planet pair. Robert Hand points out that Saturn/Pluto have three major themes: recessions or depressions, wars, and unrest in the Middle East especially involving oil. To this I would add the introduction of major innovations like the automobile, the airplane, and satellite communications. This planet pair also has to do with social revolutions and conflict between totalitarianism and the free world. The opposition of 1965-1966, for instance, was a horrendous time in American history. The nation was literally torn apart by the Vietnam War and the counter-culture movement. And once again the economy suffered as it had during the previous opposition in 1931. The Saturn/Pluto opposition of 2001-2002 correlated with the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. that resulted in the decades long War on Terrorism. Eight to nine years after this when Saturn and Pluto formed a waning square the American economy crumbled into the Great Recession.
Conjunctions are different from the ensuing “unfolding” phases like the waxing square, opposition, and waning square in that they give birth to the entire synodic cycle. Conjunctions are by nature the seed of the cycle. The January 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction is particularly troubling since both planets are on critical spots in their respective orbits. Saturn and Pluto are both on their south nodes! The nodes are juncture points along the orbital path of the planets (the ecliptic) known as strong electromagnetic inducers – solar system stress points. Planets on nodes indicate tremendous talent surrounded by untamed energy.
Saturn and Pluto together are a volatile combination. The action of Pluto on Saturn is instantly destructive as the plutonian forces of transformation undermine and destroy the rigidity of Saturn. The routine and stability of a nation can be broken up when these two planets form an aspect. Laws, rules, and regulations are apt to be repealed and replaced when Saturn greets Pluto. Conventional behavior and protocols are demolished and restructured anew; even the cloak of civility that covers a nation is torn to shreds or discarded to bare the ugly segments of society. The legal system could undergo scrutiny or swing decisively in favor of one political party or the other. Someone may seriously betray the nation while others disclose flaws that have become institutionalized. In essence, conventional security and current social norms are demolished and transmuted when Saturn joins Pluto. This results in extreme and fanatical elements restructuring society.
The Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction is essentially an intensified clash between extremist factions. The moderate liberal and conservative wings of government are fragmenting driven apart by extremists in both parties. This is a worldwide phenomenon. In America it is a battle between the universalism/progressivism of the radical left and the nationalism/populism of the far right. Conventional government policies are being shouted down by incivility; the old world order is being wreaked.
In the lead up to the great conjunction many nations throughout the world have vibrantly divisive government bodies. Differing ideologies choose not to agree to dialogue, impasse and standoff result with few bills passed. In the United States for instance the full Congress has passed only 70 bills into law in 2019, 10 of which were for renaming federal facilities. Congress typically passes 150 to 250 bills a year. Israel is facing an unprecedented third election in March 2020 after being unable to form a governing coalition. England faces a similar face-off between the right and the left parties and the deadlock over Brexit.
The 2020 election will therefore be bitter and pivotal in the United States. Jupiter stands for the liberal cause and Saturn the conservative. With these two titans joining again after twenty years apart in December 2020 a colossal clash between the two parties will take place. The winner will have the opportunity to steer the nation for the next twenty years.
Pluto appears to have a ‘pushing’ and ‘elevating’ effect in that the planet in aspect with it is intensified. If I’m correct about this, the third Jupiter/Pluto conjunction peaks right after the election on 11/12 signaling a Democratic victory. This may not be presidential as other factors boost a candidates chance to become commander in chief.
A new round of Israeli and Muslim conflict fueled by an irate Iran is likely. An Iranian crisis is in the making with a temporary spike in the price of oil. Oil prices will otherwise remain low. The chances for passage of a revised agreement curtailing Iran from building a nuclear arsenal are small to nil.
A cyber and/or armed war with Iran are possible. Iran is in the cross-hairs internally as U.S. sanctions impose widespread financial hardships on the population. Protests against the government are likely to intensify, further eroding the regime along with the stifling sanctions. Neither the U.S. or Iran wants war but the Saturn/Pluto conjunction is square Pluto in the Islamic Republic chart and joins natal Pluto in the U.S. chart in opposition with Mercury. A misstep by either side coupled with a slow progression of hostile rhetoric and small scale operations could precipitate a horrendously destructive engagement that brings down the Islamic Republic.
Saturn/Pluto together is a great nation builder and destroyer. Venezuela’s Maduro regime is one example of a nation in peril. Two other hot spots are Argentina and India. Argentina is facing extremely high inflation rates and a backlash against the government. India, on the other hand, is a prime example of the rise of nationalism. India will exert its influence and intensify efforts to control Kashmir. The Indian Muslim population will be subjected to policies designed to weaken their influence and drive them out of the country.
Hong Kong residences, threatened with extradition to China if suspected of a crime, rose up against China in protest of their protected status as a semi-autonomous state. A Chinese crackdown on the growing Hong Kong freedom/self-rule movement is all too possible in 2020. China is also tightening its grip on Uighur Muslims by putting them in “re-education camps.” The Uighur culture is being further broken down by Chinese officials living in many Uighur families and often sleeping with the women. They are also developing a technology that will allow them to re-create a person’s face from DNA samples (Pluto) in order to better surveil and locate recalcitrant individuals.
China will position itself with a domestic stock exchange, a robust internal market, and continued aggressive moves to internationalize its trade. Trade with the United States has been disrupted due to the tariff war so China will increase trade with the European Union, East Asia, and emerging markets. This diverted trade opens new markets for China.
The newly completed Russia to China natural gas pipeline means Russia can export gas to China and be less reliant on its European customers. Natural gas is powerful leverage that Russia will use to further its hold in the Ukraine while holding Ukraine and much of Europe hostage with potential fuel cut-offs. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction bodes well for a strong partnership between China and Russia. Both countries want to buy Iranian oil but to do so U.S. sanctions must be circumvented through payments that don’t rely on U.S. dollars. These “under-the-table” transactions are likely to be successful putting a dent in the dollar’s role as the global currency. This has huge implications because it could mark the beginning of the end for the U.S. dominated world order that emerged at the end of World War II. China is, therefore, slated to surpass the United States near 2032 and take the mantle as leader of the world.
Great Britain will be especially affected as they leave the EU under Brexit with or without a clear-cut deal. The European Union will fracture as a result and become less stable. The NATO alliance in turn will weaken as Turkey aligns more with Russia.
It can be argued that the driving force behind the current political situation is massive, worldwide immigration. Huge numbers of immigrates fleeing the conflicts in the Middle East flooded European countries and quickly outpaced the host country capacity for housing, feeding, educating and assimilating them into the culture. A backlash called nationalism soon followed.
Mass migrations will continue in various parts of the world heightening tensions and creating instability along borders and within nations. The migrations will be due to war, environmental, economic, epidemic, and crime related reasons. The U.S immigration crisis is forcefully resolved by addressing the underlying problems causing the mass Central American exodus: crime, corruption, and poverty in the originating countries, poor enforcement of the Mexican and American borders, and antiquated immigration laws. New immigration laws may be crafted out of necessity.
The polarization of American politics reaches a tipping point. The gridlock started with the radical shift in political power associated with the last Uranus/Pluto square (June 2012 – March 2015) during the Barrack Obama presidency. This resulted in conservative recoil and the election of Donald Trump. Further gridlock will cause Trump, like Obama before him, to bypass Congress and rely more on Executive Orders and questionable legal actions to govern. This will precipitate a constitutional crisis and a breakdown of law and order. The crude and divisive politics in Washington will cause more Americans to lose faith in standard democracy, turning instead to Democratic Socialism.
A new way of governing may be in the making or, at least, an extreme departure from the politics of the past. If, as predicted, the economy suffers a severe recession or depression, then it is unlikely that Donald Trump will be reelected in 2020. Pluto is the great revealer. It is likely that Trump’s international financial dealings and dubious business arrangements will be exposed leading to impeachment proceedings or, at least, fewer Republicans and swing voters willing to back him. If he succeeds in keeping his tax returns secret and the economy recovers before the election (a big if), and no international crisis of his making spoils his chance of winning the election, then Donald Trump has a good chance for a second term.
The long American bull economy will end due to a combination of two or more factors: a slowdown in the world economy, U.S. and China trade war continuation, Brexit, Middle East conflict, or a major cyber-attack on the U.S. banking system. It will largely be a debt fueled recession as the national debt and yearly deficits continue to rise due to government overspending, plus the added expense from climate change storm, drought, flood, and fire catastrophes.
A major philosophical shift took place in August 2019 when the Business Roundtable, 188 CEOs of major U.S. companies, endorsed a policy for making corporate decisions that takes not only shareholder profits into account but also the interests of customers, employees, suppliers, and communities. Only seven members of the influential group refused to endorse the new policy. This means that the Milton Friedman doctrine is being reversed. For the past several decades the Friedman doctrine has encouraged corporations to make money solely for shareholders. Now corporations will tend to act with the public interest in mind. Pluto is signaling a transformation of American capitalism (Jupiter/Saturn) into corporate social activism.
5G digital networks will renovate the technological world allowing AI, medical and personal devices to rapidly advance. This innovation will spur the development and very rapid expansion of computer and robotic machines to epic proportions fundamentally transforming the world.
The commercialization of space will begin with spaceship tourism and the mining of natural resources on the Moon.
Infrastructure rebuilding will begin out of necessity largely due to devastating natural disasters and lack of adequate maintenance.
Major anti-trust cases, notably against Google, will improve internet access and better secure individual freedoms. Some government regulation of the internet will be necessary, i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Government and corporate intrusions using surveillance camera, AI facial recognition, and other technologies will be hotly debated with new regulations being imposed. Amazing technologies will be developed to enhance human productivity, memory, and physical function. One of these will include a transmitter connected to the human brain that backs-up information on an external device.
Additional nuclear energy production will be needed to supplement renewable sources.
Government entities, the U.S. Airforce primarily, will admit privately that the world is being visited by alien UFOs.
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