Israel-Hamas War
- Bill Hansen
- on Nov, 03, 2023
- No Comments.
Israel was suddenly and savagely attacked by Hamas terrorists (resistance fighters) in Gaza sparking a new war. Since its inception as a nation in 1948, Israel has fought numerous wars and almost continuous harassment conflicts with neighboring Arab countries and associated militia organizations. The importance of this latest conflict for the United States and the world can be gleaned from the Jupiter/Pluto square of May 2023. In my recent book, Earth Changes: The Hands of Time, the following themes are associated with Jupiter/Pluto configurations:
Great transitions and turning points in world history
Wars start or end
Massive deaths, migrations, and removals
Economic adjustment to war, recession, or rapidly falling stock prices
The geo-political consequences of this conflict range far outside the Middle East confines. Iran financially and militarily supports various Arabic militant groups, most significantly Hezbollah and to a lesser extend Hamas. Iran’s stated goal is to be a dominate force in the Middle East by destroying Israel. A wider war involving Iran directly would have catastrophic consequences. I do not believe Iran is ready for Armageddon because they use proxy forces to deny direct culpability. President Biden has wisely deployed two aircraft carrier strike groups to the region as a deterrent to ‘third party’ participants in the Israeli-Hamas conflict. Although a prudent move, Biden needs to have the gall to apply force to back up the deterrent capability. His dismal record involving the botched Afghanistan pullout and the slow and limited military aid given to Ukraine does not bode well for showing muscle in the Middle East if needed. The U.S. did retaliate on Oct. 26 by bombing two militant bases in Syria for recent attacks on American bases in the region. A ‘tit-for-tat’ response is not much of a deterrent to Iran. Nor will such measured attacks restrain the loose-knit militias bent on Israel’s destruction. It will take more punitive strikes to take out major terrorist training and supply facilities inside Iran to stop their aggression.
China is watching all this very closely. A lack of U.S. resolve in the Middle East or Ukraine gives them a green light toward Taiwan. Although financial and military support for Ukraine is being questioned by many on the right, it is essential. Russia must not be allowed to win a concession (a fifth of Ukraine) or the complete war. This would embolden them to further aggression and entice China and Iran to do the same. Why do I say this?
Click “Cycles” on my website ( home page and then “Temperature Graph”. Here you will find a graph of yearly average temperatures in the U.S. (similar to those for the world) from 1900 to present. Notice the warm peak of the 1930s when fascism reigned. An even longer and warmer trend is currently happening driving an increase in totalitarianism worldwide. America too is at risk of sliding into autocracy. Funding Ukraine’s struggle for survival along with our NATO allies is necessary to keep authoritarian regimes at bay.
Israel’s horoscope indicates strong potentials for military victories. Indeed, a day after the United Nations established the states of Israel and Palestine from Great Britain control, Palestinian and other Arab factions attacked sparking the 1948 Arab-Israeli War (5/15/48 – 3/10/49). Israel in a very real sense was born to war (Sun square Mars). And wars and endless conflicts did follow. The Six Day War in 1967 (against Egypt, Syria and Jordan) was during a Mercury year (Israel’s 19th year) in my Diurnal Planet for a Year direction. Mercury in Israel’s horoscope makes a 60-degree sextile to Pluto and a 120-degree trine with Neptune. Mercury is fast, Pluto devastating, and Neptune deceptive and ideal. The easy aspects inclined toward a swift victory and the spoils that came with it – Israel expanded its territory by 4 times and became the eminent power in the region. The Yom Kippur War in 1973 lasted a little less than three weeks and again Israel was victorious. This was during a Venus year of success and peace; Venus makes a 90-degree square with Neptune and a wide eastern-elongation with the Sun. The war was difficult for Israel to win against attacking Egyptian and Syrian troops but prevail they did. In keeping with the Venus year, Israel captured the Sinai Peninsula but gave most of it back to Egypt after the war and the two nations signed a mutual peace agreement.
Israel is 75 years old now and fights again; this time it is during a Mars year! The surprise attack was many times greater than 9/11 for the United States based on population comparisons. The current conflict will end in Israel’s favor but it will be hugely costly in terms of lives, property, and mental crippling. The war may result in a ‘great transition and turning point’ indicated by the 2023 Jupiter/Pluto aspect. This is likely to be eliminating Hamas in Gaza and continuing the historic peace process with Saudi Arabia. Iran does not want trade and cultural exchange between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Such a peace would bring prosperity to the region but weaken Iran’s hand.
Transits to Israel’s chart are revealing. Mars, the planet of war, crossed the Ascendant 10/1 while a solar eclipse fell on the Ascendant 10/14. Transiting Jupiter aspects natal Pluto peaking 10/18. Pluto shows extreme destruction and death. The Ascendant or eastern horizon is indicative of the self, in this case, the nation of Israel. A ground offense will take place close to the weekly transit of Mars to Israel’s Pluto 10/30. This will be house to house and through tunnels to comb out Hamas fighters. It will take months of close-quarter fighting. The end is likely to come in March 2024.
Will Iran get involved? It is involved by training, equipping, and funding terrorist organizations. But, no, I don’t think Iran is ready for a direct confrontation with Israel or the United States until 2026. Iran will likely become more hostile and unleash other proxy forces to do its dirty work. This includes Hezbollah. A widening of the war with Hezbollah poises particular dangerous consequences. Still, Israel will prevail. The conflict can widen as early as 10/30 or the beginning of November, or again near 11/22. The economic repercussions of this conflict will be felt around the world with escalating oil prices.
Transiting Jupiter and Uranus will both cross Israel’s Sun of life, purpose, and prosperity in April and May 2024 signally new possibilities, growth, and a shining new future.
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