National Forecast 2025
- Bill Hansen
- on Feb, 13, 2025
- No Comments.
Four methods will be used to describe the trends for the United States in 2025: major transits in the heavens during the year, the Declaration of Independence chart using my Diurnal-Planet-for-a-Year direction (DPY)* and significant transits to the President and U.S. horoscope.
*This new direction method is fully explained in my book Your Cosmic Oracle.
Here is a brief review of previous transits to give an idea of where we stand in 2025. Jupiter and Neptune joined in April 2022 in a single conjunction. This is primarily a sign of inflation. Inflation has ravished the housing industry and harassed the consumer to such an extent that the economy seems to be in bad shape, when in fact, it is not. The conjunction also signaled a severe stock market correction and the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court reversal. Inflation and high interest rates certainly play a significant role in the housing crisis that developed during the Covid-19 Epidemic in 2020. Jupiter and Saturn play a role in housing availability. The historic twenty year conjunction between these two formed in December 2020 cementing a housing shortage that continued through the double Jupiter/Saturn square in late 2024. The last square in June 2025 signals a turning point in housing shortages with available dwellings increasing and prices starting to come down. Biden defeated Trump in the 2020 election but stepped down from running in 2024 after a devastating memory lapse during a presidential debate. The Jupiter/Saturn square did not help Vice President Harris either since it indicates defeat of the incumbent party.
As 2024 ended, inflationary numbers are down but food prices and other essentials remain stubbornly high. No one should be complacent about falling prices – they are likely not to last. The Saturn/Neptune cycle points to rising prices 2026-2034. The 9.28-year inflation cycle discussed in my book The Spiraling Economy (ISBN 9798717352321 available through Amazon) correctly predicted 2021 as a short inflationary peak. The next peak in the 9.28-year cycle is 2030 during the next Saturn/Neptune phasing! The inflation of 2021 is not merely a pandemic induced production and supply chain upheaval; nor will it be temporary. The inflation/financial crisis induced by Biden’s budget and the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in 2022 are not the end of the problem either. The next two presidents will hold in their hands the super inflationary pens of 2026-2034.
The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in 2020 jump-started a renewable energy initiative. The renewable energy industry is beginning to stimulate major product innovations that will eventually restructure social living. The list of products is too large to name but solar cars, places that recharge battery devices without plugging in, solar powered airplanes and civilian car/planes are a few of the advanced ideas being worked on. 2026 is the next year to watch for major lifestyle innovations. This is when Jupiter and Pluto will be in opposition. The following conjunction in 2033 is especially important as a transition portal to a renewable energy world.
Jupiter and Uranus start a new 13.8-year cycle April 20, 2024. War is a major theme so the conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran and Syria will continue to play front page news. The war in Ukraine is likely to reach a critical juncture in 2024 and 2025. A lack of funding for Ukraine would embolden Putin to drive home his invasion. A Trump presidency and increasing Russian attacks could pressure Ukraine to sue for peace. There is also a strong possibility of another significant war breaking out on planet Earth. The time is ripe for Israel (and the United States) to strike Iran’s nuclear power program.
The first Jupiter/Saturn square after the 2020 conjunction peaks 6/15/25 signaling an effort to bring the Russian invasion of Ukraine to an end. The housing availability and price crisis is also at a turning point. And the economy likely suffers a major downturn.
An important theme of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle is the consolidation of government power. This is taking place in America as Trump champions the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 agenda. Great national instability events also take place; witness the government shakedown in our country and the upheaval in various places around the world such as Gaza and Syria. Major alliances also form (Russia, China, and Iran) and the Economic Partnership of 15 countries led by China that is a major trading alliance. China’s global trade initiative will face stiff resistance from the U.S. in 2025. It is likely the U.S. will form or renegotiate trade and security alliances with Europe, Mexico, Canada and other major trading partners. The Jupiter/Saturn square specifies turbulence in world affairs as nations realign their interests and compete with one another for best position and dominance.
The second hard angle planet combination this year is a square between Jupiter and Neptune. Trump needs to be careful not to stoke inflation through tariffs because the inflation battle is going to be tough to win this year. Other Jupiter/Neptune themes likely to unfold in 2025 include higher fuel prices, an ongoing challenge to reign in corporate and government corruption, increased numbers of immigrants deported, and a significant immigration reform bill. Liberals reeling from the severe election loss and the onslaught of sweeping Trump reforms will mount a strategy of resistance resulting in only mixed results. Peace treaties and détente likely involving Ukraine and Russia, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Iran will develop along with relief and rebuilding plans. A built-up of American naval forces and increased Iranian sanctions pressures Iran. Hope exists that an agreement with Iran over its support for terrorism and nuclear bomb aspirations can be reached but if they fail to material, or Israel insists on destroying Iran’s nuclear capability, a brief war might be declared before Iran’s capitulation. Jupiter/Neptune usually correlates to an increase in liberal ideals touting universal moral values. At this time the square represents a challenge for Democrats to stem the tide toward conservative populism that is revolutionizing the country. The last theme is historic firsts. It is hard to be specific but AI promises to quickly solve several medical nightmares like cancer. Space exploration and the unknowns encountered offer yet another area for first every events.
Trump begins his second presidency during a Pluto year (DPY direction), signaling power and control. With his last birthday in June 2024 he has resurrected himself and once again taken the reigns of leadership promising to dismantle (Pluto) liberal agendas and transform America to a beacon of conservative authoritarianism.
America has not experienced such widespread consolidation of government functions under one party since FDR in the 1930s and 1940s. The first time one party galvanized America was after 1816 when the Republican Party (early Democrat party) shattered the Federalist Party and ushered in an era of nationalism based on the philosophies of Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun. Trump’s policies and those of conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation will now fundamentally change the scope and practice of government. In the first four months of his presidency the old ways of doing business in Washington will be tossed aside. A new approach, sweeping by design and intended to shake out entrenched institutions and liberal government employees, will largely be in place by the end of April.
Strong transits to Uranus in Trump’s chart through April spell shock and awe in U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Bureaucracies will be broken up, excessive regulations scraped, and unfair trade and treaty agreements rejected. As Saturn transits Trump’s Uranus (Feb 5), he wasted no time in issuing a series of executive orders dismantling much of the previous president’s wishes. Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and the World Health Organization, halting Green New Deal initiatives and eliminating DEI programs are the first salvos in fundamentally changing the focus of government. As Trump took office transiting Mars crossed his Saturn prompting closure of the border and the rounding up of criminal illegal immigrants. Detention and deportation on a grander scale are likely near Apr 1. Trump will receive much praise and support by late February through March for his efforts at restructuring government and ending the corrupt and fractured immigration policies of the past.
Trump’s more outlandish ideas like purchasing Greenland are meant to shatter existing protocol opening the way for uninvited negotiations. Greenland is a good investment for America due to its rich deposits of rare earth minerals. China is interested in the island too so Trump is provoking controversy to create quick changes in the existing U.S./Greenland relationship. The same thing can be said over statements regarding the Panama Canal. The U.S. has pledged to protect the Panama owned and controlled canal. China runs two of the five ports nearest the canal. The Trump administration wants to send the message to China not to spread its influence in the area. A U.S. seizure is not out of the question however, especially as unpredictable Trump is experiencing numerous transits to his Uranus. A Pluto line (renewal through domination) runs close to Panama in Trump’s relocation map. As for Greenland, the prospects for a deal are strong. Trump wants it. The Sun/Uranus conjunction in Trump’s chart is located running through Greenland in his relocation map. Brazil could also face some shock and awe during the Trump administration.
May and June are challenging and dangerous for President Trump. Aggressive military action is indicated by his transits. This is a perfect time to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities in consort with Israel. U.S. bunker buster bombs are needed to reach the mountainous caverns housing Iran’s nuclear facilities. The decimation of Hamas and retreat of Hezbollah, plus the fall of Assad in Syria, and significant damage to Iran missile capability and air force has motivated Khamenei to go all out in developing a nuclear arsenal. Iran is a short step away from having 90% enriched uranium for a bomb but it could take over a year to turn that material into a warhead fitted atop a ballistic missile. With Iran’s defenses down, Israel might not want to wait. Trump’s Pluto (nuclear) year runs through June this year during a series to transits to his Mars (attack) making this an ideal time. Trump’s life may be threatened once again through assassination. Another possible outcome of Trump’s May-June transits is wresting control of the military and issuing drastic or ruthlessness orders. Trump is all power during these two months. Expect tension and conflict with strong leadership from the commander in chief.
The Federal Government is huge and wasteful employing 3 million people (including the military), the 15th largest employer in the country. The conservative revolution led by Trump could restore our federation to the founder’s vision – a small central government in concert with the individual states – by dismantling excess institutions and weeding out waste and corruption. The Department of Education is to be scaled back and given to the states; the Health Department will undergo drastic new procedures as will the Defense Department, Homeland Security, the Justice Department and others. As good as this is in refurbishing government risks abound. Trump’s controversial cabinet is composed of like-minded individuals willing to comply with the commander in chief’s directives. Department heads are poised to consolidate power and reduce dissention. And career government employees are undergoing tests of loyalty and fealty to conservatism or be reassigned or laid off if possible. All federal employees in fact have been given the option of resigning with full pay through September; those that choose to remain in their jobs face an uncertain future. All this may prove to be in America’s best interest, at least from a Republican point of view, but citizens need to be alerted to the trend toward totalitarianism and oligarchy. Trump has a long history of pressuring those who oppose him through lawsuits, financial disincentives, blackballing, and career smudges. Other forms of retribution include firing government officials that have opposed him and even eliminating the security detail from threatened individuals like General Milley, Chief of Staff during Trump’s first term, and John Bolton, Trump’s National Security Advisor. The rise of social media (Musk owning one of the largest networks) and Trump continuously naming standard news networks as fake (propagandist) has eroded public trust. A multi-pronged assault on the press has been waged since before Trump first took office that has intensified now using litigation, regulatory agencies, budget powers, executive orders and sympathetic lawmakers to cower news networks and publications. Muzzle the press and you can control the masses. It is true the Justice Department will no longer be weaponized against Trump; but will it turn instead to threaten and punish his detractors? Trump gets what he wants by being tough. Fear and intimidation are the new rules of order.
A constitutional crisis will implode this year if Trump refuses to obey major court orders that prevent his orders from going forward. Defiance to the judiciary is most likely between February and May. There is little the courts can do to force the president to curtail policies. Ultimately, the matter will be addressed in Congress with impeachment the enforcement tool. Such action will fail.
I have long spoken of the hot 1930s and 40s and the corresponding rise of worldwide dictatorships and authoritarian governments. Going back many centuries the trend is clear: rising world temperature influences human sentiment toward violence and domination. If we survive the worst impulses of Donald Trump and benefit from the sane policies of the right, America will truly shine. But the challenges are great and the national divide is widening as we near the second civil insurrection. Our institution of government, as enshrined in the Constitution, must hold like sails upon the gale or we the people may succumb to the travails of submission.
This is a Moon year in my DPY direction. There are several themes that will unfold during this important election year. The Moon points to a year of growth yet vulnerability. The economy and the stock market are growing but the country is severely divided politically. The Moon points to frequent shifts in the national mood – a vulnerability in perception. Strong winds of sentiment change can sway the masses one way then another causing significant voting blocs to change course and favor a different candidate; a steady red state, for instance, can vote blue and vice versa. The public, represented by the Moon, is gullible and can be easily duped by false information and AI generated fraud. History teaches that the public is driven more by imagination and emotional responses than reason. The masses can and will be manipulated.
High food and home related prices, due to stubbornly high inflation, will be a central issue. Smaller more affordable homes are being built to satisfy the housing need but it will take a significant reduction in inflation, interest and insurance rates to end the real-estate dilemma. Another Moon event is abortion access. For this reason women will play a crucial role in the next election and its aftermath. On another front, Ukraine and Israel will receive the military aid that they need, albeit, inconsistently and often contrary to what is necessary and practical. If Trump becomes president, he will push Ukraine to cede territory for peace.
Immigration is another hot topic in the election run-up and the next president will have to deal with it. Trump was successful in slowing the tide of migrants when he was president. Biden reversed the Trump executive orders and allowed millions to enter the country until public outcry and pressure within his own party forced him to enact executive orders to help stem the tide. This wasn’t until June 2024 – three years after he took office. Immigration has become a political football. When a reasonable bipartisan bill was introduced earlier in 2024 Trump urged Republicans not to vote for it. He wants to save this issue for his administration to fix – a feather in his red cap – if he wins in November. What is needed is immigration reform involving a ‘merit-based quota’. Besides strict humanitarian cases, a merit-based system would limit the number of immigrants to the working needs of America. Applicants would have to remain out of the country or stay in border camps until their case is heard in court within a month of application. Illegal entries would be hunted down and deported.
Now that the election is over:
Many astrologers, including myself, have relied on the Sibley chart of 5.10 pm LMT. This is a purely symbolic chart with Masonic overtones. It is not the U.S. horoscope from a historical perspective. According to congressional records and those of John Adams, the last edit by Thomas Jefferson was submitted on the 4th and review began at 10 am. Adams said the review ended at 11 am and a vote was then taken; the declaration passed. The exact time is unknown but sometime shortly after 11 am. I currently favor a rectified time of 11.05 am. In this chart transiting Mars opposes natal Neptune 4/20/24 and goes over the Descendant 4/29. Widespread college campus demonstrations against the war in Gaza turned violent for the first time near these dates. On the 29th marijuana (Neptune) was reclassified to a Level 3 substance meaning it has medicinal properties and is not addictive. Fast forward one month to 5/20/24 when transiting Uranus is square natal Moon and Neptune transits the Descendant of other people. Trump is convicted of 34 felonies, a verdict that millions of people believe to be bogus. Also, this month, AI generated political fakes appear for the first time on social media.
Transiting Uranus to the U.S. Moon dominates the first two months of 2025. Swift changes will take place. The country is vulnerable, pliable to the flurry of government alterations and executive orders that are flooding out daily. The Democrats are seemingly unable or unwilling to counter the new administration dictates. Significant resistance will arise in late February into March but will be largely ineffective – throughout the year.
March 2025 is ugly, uncertain, and deceptive. A triple transit to natal Neptune takes place. The lunar eclipse of 3/14 falls on Neptune and transiting Saturn is opposite Neptune on the same day! On the 19th, transiting Neptune once again crosses the U.S. Descendant of adversaries, dissolving alliances, and public scapegoating. Foreign nations are wondering if they can count on us; they are bewildered by our behavior. Adversaries are up to no good through espionage and Iran is desperate to keep advancing nuclear bomb capabilities secret. A serious attack on Iran would have unknown and unintended consequences, all too real at this critical time-point. Allies are abandoned. Immigrants waiting in the country for asylum hearings are fearful of deportation so hide and larger numbers fail to show up at their court date. Drugs and the fentanyl poise the greatest threat yet so more aggressive action is taken to fight this scourge. Deep sea mining for rare earth elements by foreign nations reaches a critical point demanding more U.S. engagement. Prescription drugs and marijuana issues are hotly debated. The oil, pharmaceutical, medical and insurance industries will each face critical moments of confrontation with adversaries, and angels of change like a new treatment for addiction. Drug cartels and smugglers will be targeted and military force could be used to combat them. Large numbers of illegal migrants will be deported. It is a mind-numbing month leaving people unsure how to handle Donald Trump’s America.
Near April 2 and 11 the media is derided and undermined. May is particularly important for the retention of illegal immigrants. Transiting Saturn crosses the Descendant this month for the first of three contacts. Detention of others is one meaning. Problems imposed by foreign nations and political litigation are another. The economy likely experiences a serious downturn. Adversaries face defeat. Tariffs are particularly harmful to foreign nations but drive up the price of U.S. goods. In retaliation to harsher tariffs, foreign nations ramp up their tariff percentages. The tariff war is on. Additional crippling sanctions are levied against U.S. adversaries like Iran, China, and Russia. Stiffer restrictions on foreign adversaries and even allies come again near August 30. Retrograde Saturn crosses the U.S. Descendant 9/7 accented by a lunar eclipse at 150 Pisces 22’ near the Descendant in the 11.05 am rectified chart. These transits indicate a second wave of woe. Americans are feeling the pinch especially near 9/21.
The last major transiting period of the year begins near 10/26 when the health of the nation and food are an issue. Neptune, now retrograde, crosses the Descendant bringing with it deception between political adversaries and foreign ones. An ally is further alienated. Nations distrust us. Rebellion is underway through secret channels in Washington. November and early December are difficult times. It is not until after the 14th near Christmas that Americans fully rejoice.
It is worth repeating part of what I wrote in 2022 as these conditions continue to unfold.
Transiting Pluto returns to its natal position in the U.S. horoscope for the third and final time in December 2022. Pluto, as always, signifies the tearing down of something in the process of rebuilding anew. In this case it is likely the transfer of government power back to the conservative court. Although transiting Pluto is no longer influencing Mercury in the U.S. chart, the natal opposition between these two remains as a warning for all citizens to be cognizant of where they get their news and viewpoints. Pluto corrupts. It manipulates. A strong compulsive action is produced that results in profound restructuring. The initial stimulation for change is often packaged with lies, conspiracy theories, and enticing themes of treachery. I have warned before that the American media (especially the new internet-based social media); business interests, bureaucrats and the rich kingpins running the show will try to manipulate opinions surreptitiously. What gets watered down in the flood of differing ideas are facts. So please check your ideas out; fact-check – otherwise, you are partner to the corruption that is undermining our society.
The Pluto conjunction in the U.S. horoscope also points to investigations regarding corruption in the highest places. Fingers always point to various allegations of government corruption in every administration, but circumstances are different this time. Never, except when the British did it, has the Capital been assaulted. Never has a president tried in nefarious ways to overturn an election deemed fair by recounts, state audits, and multiple legal courts. Never has a president taken and kept so many government documents, some classified secret, and lied that they had all been returned.
Make no mistake about it. Pluto destroys. It converts to another system by casting aside the existing. No matter your frame of reference, be it conservative or liberal, the other tribe is guilty.
The Pluto return signifies a turning point – a transition – for our nation. One obvious transition is from the Age of Oil to the Age of Green ‘Renewable’ Energy. Another is space exploration and commercialization. Artificial Intelligence is also a huge leap forward with extraordinary benefits contrasting with potential catastrophic results.
The Biden interim period between Trump’s two terms is pivotal. To understand, let me take you back in time to the late 1850s. Transiting Neptune was square natal Mars and in opposition with the U.S. Neptune in 1857. There was a bitter divide at the time between Northern “free” states and Southern “slave” states. The abolitionists distrusted adherents of the slave economy and vice versa. Disinformation swelled the controversy amid threats of secession and violence. Viciousness spew from both sides of the great debate: angry arguments and fist fights and ugly newspaper opinion pages were common. The insinuations from the South trigged fear and apprehension – what would an end to slavery and Northern domination mean for Old Dominion? The Northern view, not unlike the Democrats of today, loathed the idea of exclusionism (enslavement) and state’s rights over federal jurisdiction.
The situation is much the same today. Transiting Neptune during the first three months of 2022 was square natal Mars and opposite natal Neptune just like in 1857. The liberal ‘left’ and the conservative ‘right’ can agree on little. Each side distrusts the other. Accusations run rampant concerning what will happen if one side gains popular control over the other. Lies, deceptions, fear – and the insidious unknown – rule the day.
Lincoln was elected. The North had the reins of power. And then there was rebellion. Fort Sumter was bombarded in Charleston harbor by secessionist forces sparking the Civil War just as Uranus joined with natal Uranus in the U.S. horoscope (April 1, 1861).
Trump is elected. The conservatives have the reins of power. And the liberals are broken for now. But the second civil war is brewing. It comes during the next election when Uranus once again joins itself in 2028-29.
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