Jupiter-Saturn Star Comments
My interest was perked after reading an article by astrologer E. Alan Meece in which he makes a convincing case that Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in Aquarius denote great reform movements. The conjunction of December 21, 2020 at 00 29’ Aquarius actually lines up with stars in the early degree of constellation Capricorn. I am not a fan of the Tropical Zodiac since the originators of our science observed the planets against the actual star clusters so let’s take a look at what’s up there.
The stars Giedi (or Algedi) and Dabih in early Capricorn lie just a few degrees above the ecliptic where the planets roam. Our Babylonian forefathers called the goat-fish of Capricorn by the god-name Ea. f Ea was a protector of his people. He taught them the knowledge that they needed for civilization. Ea was a caring, educating, civilizing god. It does sound from this that we are in for a great round of progressive reforms. President-elect Biden calls for this and I think that we had better take him at his word.
Giedi is said to represent generosities. A third round of stimulus checks and relief payments perhaps – add free college tuition to that. Generous social projects, like an increase in the minimum wage or even the European model of a guaranteed basic income, are not out of the question. Any way you cut it, social and governmental reform is on the way. Giedi sacrifices too. We’ve all endured that for a while now and more is to come until most of us are vaccinated. Strange events are also associated with Giedi. Strange election and aftermath indeed!
Dabih stands for suspicion and mistrust. You don’t have to look far to recognize that America is terribly divided and on the verge of civil war – actually civil disobedience mixed with violence but we’ll get to that later. Astrologers of old noticed that Dabih had something to do with “retirement under a cloud.” Trump fits that assessment as he pouts and retires from the White House. Dahib is successful too. Could Biden actually pull it off and revive the economy, transform the social fabric without tearing it apart? We shall see.
A really close star to the unusual Jupiter/Saturn conjunction lies pretty far north, about 290, and that is bright Altair in the constellation Aquila, representing boldness and determination. Biden will need that. Altair signifies being in a position of command. If the Democrats win the Senate this association will really stand out. And get this Altair meaning: human relationships and caring – Ea again! Yes, Altair is liberal, unyielding, and brings sudden but ephemeral wealth. Looks like my prediction for the economy in 2021 will be realized.
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